When Is the Right Time to Replace Your Air Ducts?

If your air ducts are more than 10 to 15 years old, it's time to think about replacing them. Poorly connected ducts or those with multiple holes can cause air pressure to be lost, making your air conditioning system work harder and increasing your energy bill. With proper maintenance, ducts can last up to 15 years, but air duct seals, seams, and joints can deteriorate over time. This can lead to inadequate performance, excessive energy use, and general discomfort in the home. A qualified HVAC technician can determine if a full duct repair or replacement would be most beneficial and make expert recommendations.

As air moves through the ducts, it can slow down due to the friction that occurs when it hits the inner walls of the duct. In addition to leaks at duct joints, uninsulated metal ducts can rust due to condensation that forms on metal during the summer air conditioning season. To avoid drafts or congested areas and make sure that all parts of your home are comfortable, it's important to inspect your ducts and possibly replace them before serious problems arise, such as pests, gaps, or even collapsed sections of the ducts. Replacing your air ducts is an important step in maintaining a healthy home environment. It's essential to have a professional HVAC technician inspect your system regularly and replace any worn-out parts. Doing so will help you save money on energy bills and ensure that your home is comfortable all year round.